Chicken Cheeseburger at McDonald’s

Chicken Cheeseburger at McDonald's
1001 Islington Avenue, Etobicoke 

I recently wrote about the Surf ‘N Turf Burger, which features a double cheeseburger and a Filet-o-Fish patty crammed into one thing.  It’s part of McDonald’s new Remix Menu, which is all about cramming things together to see what happens.

Chicken Cheeseburger at McDonald's

The Chicken Cheeseburger is basically a Junior Chicken and a cheeseburger crammed together.  McDonald’s describes it as “a combo of two classics featuring a crispy chicken patty made with Canadian-raised seasoned chicken and a juicy 100% Canadian beef patty, all topped with a slice of melty processed cheddar cheese, a tangy pickle, onions, ketchup and mustard on a toasty bun.”

Chicken Cheeseburger at McDonald's

Like the Surf ‘N Turf Burger, it’s fine.  It’s more of a fun novelty than something you’d likely want to go back for, but it’s okay.

The combo of fish and beef in the Surf ‘N Turf Burger was vaguely off-putting, so I guess this one is a bit better in that there’s nothing befuddling about it.  The slight crispiness and peppery flavour of the chicken patty complements the cheeseburger reasonably well.  But the beef and the chicken both want to be the star  — they can’t decide who should be a supporting player, so the whole thing feels a bit neither here nor there.

One thought on “Chicken Cheeseburger at McDonald’s

  1. Tried it yesterday and experienced a weird mix of emotions: initial confusion, surprised enjoyment, and a touch of embarrassment. Also, so thirsty afterwards…

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